Roland MC-202 Manual - Quick results

concepts - lcd display - edit steps - edit realtime - step & gate length - play mode - quickresults - side notes - signal flow

The "I want results now!" page

the first time  
Clear both Channels: remove the batteries and switch the unit off and on (clears both Channels).
Go to EDIT PITCH mode: press EDIT until "PITCH" is selected (which is the default mode after switching on)
Select Channel 1 or 2: press CHANNEL
(to Clear this Channel) in case you did not remove the batteries:
keep holding SHIFT - press DEL MEAS and press ENTER
  in case you have used more that one Measure, press ENTER many times
Enter notes: play the notes using the calculator keys or use an external cv/gate keyboard
use the TRANSPOSE DOWN, NORM and UP to change the pitch
Go to PLAY mode: press PLAY
Set the pattern to loop: press SHIFT + CYCLE (check display)
Start sequencer: press START

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